Librarian upholds proposed expansion

by Katherine Citizen,
Yorba Linda Star October 29 1969 page 1   

During the past two years the board of trustees of the Yorba Linda Library has studied at great length the expansion program which would be needed to provide modern library service for this community. Both the board and the library staff have been well aware of increased public use of the library and all its facilities. The public was also expressing needs and desires for expanded services which we are unable t provide in our present facility. Circulation figures have mounted each year with a gratifying increase.

The situation has been discussed many times at open board meetings, and information has been placed in our newspapers. Much discussion has been held as to location. A few residents of Yorba Linda believe the present location is not a good one. So we asked several people, a year ago, to bring in suggestions for new locations which would equal the advantages of our present location. Nothing has been presented.

Libraries, both large and small (ours covers approximately six square miles) have traditionally been located in a center location which gives access to all residents. The present location is ideal for this reason. Libraries are known to be best located in areas, both commercial and governmental, which would be convenient to the most people while they are taking care of other business and interests. Surely our location does just that.

Our State Library Building consultants, Joyne Amend and Margaret Ward, after visiting Yorba Linda, have stated that there is no better location according to highest library standards.

Libraries are also located in an area which gives access to school use and the students attending. Our library, in its present location, is within walking distance of three of the four schools in the Yorba Linda School District. The bus from Troy High School makes a convenient stop at the corner for high school students coming to the library for study and research after school. Many classes from the elementary and junior high schools come to the library during school hours for the purpose of checking out books and research.

The library is filled with students after school and in this category we find them from first grade to graduate school students. At the present writing there are 52 students plus adult patrons—small children chatting and enjoying their corner, and library staff in the front area with four patrons waiting in line to use the Xerox machine. All study tables are filled with six students at each table. This does not make for good study habits.

If the present bond election is successful, these items will be corrected, with a quiet area for studying, adult section for reading and browsing, children's activities area, and many facilities for the community as a separate entity.

To the board of trustees, library staff, many community and service groups in our city, and other citizens who so far-sightedly planned and built this present library when there was a population of only 2500, this has been and continues to be an ideal location for a public library and its many services.

In a recent conversation with a member of the California Highway Commission it was stated that if the freeway is aligned with Imperial Highway, probably about 10 feet would be needed from our area. This has already been taken into consideration in our plans, and our parking lot will still provide parking for 90 to 100 cars, as specified by the county building department.

If the bond election passes, and the entire block becomes library property, as is now under option, the library district will own 50,938 sq. ft., or 7000 sq. ft. more than an acre. Land is being conserved by building multiple stories. The total purchase price then for all land owned will be $186,329 or $3.65 per sq. ft.

To purchase the same amount of land elsewhere in a less accessible area, to replace the present building and expansion as planned, and add the necessary equipment, would cost in the neighborhood of $800,000. This is based on architect's actual cost figures and last cost at $3.00 per sq. ft.

Our district is not large enough at present to support a main library and branch. This would require double staffing and other expenses. A book mobile is probably in the offing in years to come. It would seem, then, that our prime location is in the center of our library district with easy walking or driving distance to all, and that location is at 18262 Lemon Drive.

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