Yorba Linda Casts Enthusiastic vote for new $80,000 library

Yorba Linda Star June 10, 1958 page 1   

The beautiful new library building is going to be a reality. The election Tuesday afternoon showed Yorba Linda voters heartily in favor of if; 280 voting yes, 39 voting no.

As one voter said while waiting his turn, “This is one item on our tax bills that we can appreciate and enjoy.” And that seemed to be a pretty general opinion.

Librarian March Butz said the board of trustees, Valdo Smith, Olive Crist and Kay Allison, and the recently retired member, Ruth Munger, who have devoted a great deal of thought and work to getting the project before the people, are jubilant over the success of the election, and expressed their thanks to the people who helped.

One newly formed group, the “In-Between” Section of the Woman's Club, it was pointed out, made some 200 telephone calls asking people to remember to vote Tuesday. They also placed posters in store windows and even tried to make a banner to hang across the street, but the materials were pretty old, and about the time they got their lettering down it fell apart.

It is not known how long it will take to get into the actual construction stage of the new building, but Mrs. Butz is hoping they will be ready to move in by January 1.

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