Responsibility of Government Passes into Republican Hands as Voters Approve Ike and Dick

Yorba Linda Star November 10 1952 page 1   

Yorba Linda, like most of America, turned out in force at the election Tuesday. The Republican headquarters comes forth with the following statistics:

At Yorba Linda Precinct No. 1: 91.25 per cent voted. Yorba Linda Precinct No. 2: 96.6 per cent. Atwood: 89.76 per cent. Yorba: 91.97 per cent. This excludes the absentee voters, but not those who have died or moved away without changing their registrations. The total average was 91.97 per cent. An even 1200 voted in the four precincts. There were 822 votes cast in Yorba Linda's two local precincts.

Yorba went even more Republican than usual, giving the Eisenhower-Nixon team a vote of 632 to 176 for Stevenson and Sparkman.

In the matter of legislative propositions, Yorba Linda followed the pattern set by the state as a whole, differing only in Propositions 3 and 4. Both precincts voted alike on all propositions and on all candidates for office, although te ratios were somewhat difference, of course.

The Precinct 2 workers didn't get home until 4:30 or 5:00 a.m. Wednesday morning. Big Job!

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